The Best 4 Cup Coffee Maker: Our Top 9 Picks

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We researched 9 products and found the Bonavita 5 Cup Coffee Maker to be the best 4 cup coffee maker for anyone to use.

Bonavita 5 Cup Coffee Maker is the best because it allows you to brew a cup of coffee in just four minutes. It also has an auto-off feature that turns off the machine once your coffee is brewed.

It’s convenient, and it makes brewing coffee a lot easier than with other machines. The Bonavita 5 Cup Coffee Maker uses a patented conical-shaped showerhead that distributes water evenly and quickly, so you can wake up to a fresh pot of coffee every day.

9 Best 4 Cup Coffee Makers Reviewed

With the growing demand for specialty coffee, 4 cup coffee makers have increased in popularity. In addition, the number of consumers who prefer to have their coffee in smaller quantities has increased significantly.

The best 4 cup coffee makers can make a variety of drinks, have an affordable price, are easy to use, and offer a large capacity.

  1. Bonavita 5 Cup Coffee Maker (Our Top Choice)
  2. Zojirushi EC-DAC50 Zutto 5-Cup Drip Coffeemaker
  3. Gevi 4-Cup Coffee Maker With Auto-Shut Off
  4. Cuisinart DCC-450BK 4-Cup Coffeemaker
  5. Aigostar 4 Cup Drip Coffee Maker
  6. Capresso 5-Cup Mini Drip Coffee Maker
  7. Elite Gourmet Automatic Brew & Drip Coffee Maker
  8. KRUPS Simply Brew Compact Filter Drip Coffee Maker
  9. Mr. Coffee 5 Cup Programmable 25 oz. Mini

1. Bonavita 5 Cup Coffee Maker


  • Dimensions in inches: 12.3 x 6.2 x 10.6
  • Material: Stainless steel and BPA-free plastic
  • Type: Pour-over

The Bonavita 5 Cup Coffee Maker is an excellent choice for anyone who enjoys brewing their coffee at home. It comes with a 5-cup glass carafe. It’s made of borosilicate glass, which means it can withstand high temperatures.

This machine brews up to five cups of fresh, hot coffee in under four minutes, perfect for those who are always on the go and need to get their cup of Joe quickly.

The Bonavita 5 Cup Coffee Maker is an excellent option for those looking for a coffee maker with the most advanced technology. It is equipped with a programmable timer and an auto-shutoff function.

It features a unique water reservoir that ensures you can use the machine without refilling it every time. The machine also has an intuitive interface, making it easy for anyone to use.

This product comes with a one-year warranty and is compatible with all types of pods, so you will never have to worry about repurchasing new coffee pods.


  • One-touch functionality
  • Great taste and temperature
  • Quality materials
  • Anti-drip pour


  • High price point
  • No auto-pause

2. Zojirushi EC-DAC50 Zutto 5-Cup Drip Coffeemaker


  • Dimensions in inches: 6 x 9 x 11
  • Material: Plastic
  • Type: Drip

The Zojirushi EC-DAC50 Zutto 5-Cup Drip Coffeemaker is a drip coffeemaker that can brew up to five cups of coffee in under two minutes. It has an automatic shut-off feature, which automatically shuts off the machine when it is done brewing.

The EC-DAC50 Zutto 5-Cup Drip Coffeemaker also has a removable drip tray, making cleaning easier. It has a 24-hour timer and auto power shut-off features that make it convenient. The EC-DAC50 Zutto 5-Cup Drip Coffeemaker comes in at an economical price point.

This machine is perfect for small offices or households with multiple coffee drinkers. It is great for those who enjoy making their coffee at home but don’t have the time to wait for their pot of coffee to brew.

The EC-DAC50 has a timer telling you when to add water to the reservoir and how much coffee to use. It also has a pause function, so it will automatically stop brewing if you need to take a break from your work.

This machine is perfect for busy people who want an automated coffee maker that’s easy to use.


  • Excellent durability
  • Easy cleaning and maintenance
  • Affordable


  • Lacks programmable functions
  • Some complaints of taste

3. Gevi 4-Cup Coffee Maker With Auto-Shut Off


  • Dimensions in inches: 10.35 x 5.59 x 8.66
  • Material: Stainless steel and plastic
  • Type: Drip

The Gevi 4-Cup Coffee Maker With Auto-Shut Off is a device that makes coffee and tea with just one touch.

Here is a quality product with a wide range of features. It provides convenience and ease to the user. For example, it has an auto shut-off feature that automatically shuts off the machine after brewing coffee for four cups. You don’t have to worry about leaving your cup unattended and burning your hand or burning down your home.

This coffee maker has a capacity of 4 cups and a timer for up to 24 hours per day and has a removable water tank for easy cleaning.

The Gevi 4-Cup Coffee Maker With Auto-Shut Off is the perfect machine for any busy person who wants to enjoy their morning coffee or afternoon tea without worrying about it going cold.


  • Great price point
  • Easy cleaning
  • Compact


  • Lid doesn’t always function properly
  • Lacks quality materials

4. Cuisinart DCC-450BK 4-Cup Coffeemaker


  • Dimensions in inches: 10 x 8 x 5.25
  • Material: Stainless steel and BPA-free plastic
  • Type: Drip

The Cuisinart DCC-450BK 4-Cup Coffeemaker is a coffee maker that offers many features and benefits. It has a water window and is easy to use.

The Cuisinart DCC-450BK 4-Cup Coffeemaker features an auto shut-off that shuts off the machine after two hours. The water window gives you the option to make coffee with just cold or hot water. It is easy to use because it has only four buttons and two dials with large numbers.

The Cuisinart DCC-450BK 4-Cup Coffeemaker is perfect for someone who loves their morning brew but doesn’t have time for it to brew overnight. It is made with the latest technology and has a sleek design.


  • Auto pause
  • Stainless steel carafe
  • Compact


  • No programmable functions
  • Shallow lid

5. Aigostar 4 Cup Drip Coffee Maker


  • Dimensions in inches (L, W, H): 7.4 x 6 x 10.2
  • Material: Plastic
  • Type: Drip

Aigostar 4 Cup Drip Coffee Maker is a high-quality, durable coffee maker in black color. It has the features of a high-end machine with stainless steel carafe and adjustable temperature control.

The Aigostar 4 Cup Drip Coffee Maker has an advanced heating system to keep your coffee hot for hours. It comes with an automatic shut-off timer to ensure you never miss your coffee time again!

This product is ideal for people who enjoy their morning brew in style or want to treat themselves to something luxurious for their coffee enjoyment!

The Aigostar 4 Cup Drip Coffee Maker is compact and affordable.

It has four different brewing settings for you to choose from, including regular, strong, extra bold, and iced coffee. It comes with a convenient water level indicator that lets you know when to top up the water tank.


  • Additional programmable functions
  • Warming plate
  • Anti-drip design


  • Reports of leak issues
  • Lacks durability

6. Capresso 5-Cup Mini Drip Coffee Maker


  • Dimensions in inches (L, W, H): 8 x 6.25 x 10
  • Material: Stainless steel and plastic
  • Type: Drip

This Capresso 5-Cup Mini Drip Coffee Maker is a compact coffee maker with a sleek design. It has a durable stainless steel carafe and is easy to use.

This coffee maker is perfect for use in small spaces, like at work or in your kitchen. It features an automatic shut-off timer and a removable water reservoir for easy filling. This machine also has an integrated milk frother that you can use to make lattes, cappuccinos, and more!

It comes with an adjustable timer, a removable filter basket, and a water level indicator.

This coffee maker is perfect for those who want to enjoy a great cup of coffee without having to make a big mess in their kitchen.


  • Affordable
  • Great programmable features
  • Compact


  • Pot is known to crack
  • Does better with 4 cup capacity

7. Elite Gourmet Automatic Brew & Drip Coffee Maker


  • Dimensions in inches (L, W, H): 7.87 x 6.61 x 9.25
  • Material: Plastic
  • Type: Drip

The Elite Gourmet Automatic Brew & Drip Coffee Maker has a water tank that can hold up to 17.5 ounces of water and has a stainless steel filter holder that can hold up to 8.5 ounces of ground coffee. It features automatic brewing with a pause-and-serve function, an auto shut-off feature, and is easy to clean.

The Elite Gourmet Automatic Brew & Drip Coffee Maker is a simple yet powerful machine that easily makes great-tasting coffee. This machine brews your favorite cup of coffee in just minutes without the hassle of dealing with filters or grinders.

The Elite Gourmet Automatic Brew & Drip Coffee Maker has a unique design that allows you to brew coffee in the most convenient way possible. You can set it up by just pressing a button. It has an auto shut-off feature, which means you don’t have to worry about it taking too much time or causing any damage.


  • Affordable
  • Great taste
  • Easy setup


  • Small pot size
  • No switch-off functionality

8. KRUPS Simply Brew Compact Filter Drip Coffee Maker


  • Dimensions in inches (L, W, H): 5.71 x 8.07 x 10.08
  • Material: Stainless steel and plastic
  • Type: Drip

The KRUPS Simply Brew Compact Filter Drip Coffee Maker is an innovative coffee maker that is convenient and powerful. It is made with a stainless steel body, making it durable and easy to clean. The coffee maker comes with a drip tray, which you can remove for easy filling.

The KRUPS Simply Brew Compact Filter Drip Coffee Maker has many features worth the investment. It has a removable filter basket that allows for easy cleaning. It also comes with a water tank, so there’s no need to buy additional water filters or pitchers.

The machine also has an automatic shut-off timer of 24 hours, so you never have to worry about forgetting to turn off your machine before you go to bed or leave for work in the morning!

The KRUPS Simply Brew Compact Filter Drip Coffee Maker is a simple and useful coffee maker. Its high-quality features are an excellent choice for anyone looking for a new coffee maker.


  • Compact
  • Quiet
  • Great taste


  • The lid doesn’t always stay open when using
  • No switch-off functionality

9. Mr. Coffee 5 Cup Programmable 25 oz. Mini


  • Dimensions in inches (L, W, H): 9.65 x 7.1 x 10.63
  • Material: Nylon
  • Type: Drip

The Mr. Coffee 5 Cup Programmable 25 oz. Mini is a coffee maker that can make up to 5 cups of coffee at a time. It has a programmable timer which means you can set it to brew anytime between 1 and 4 hours. It’s easy to clean and has a removable water reservoir for easy filling.

This machine is perfect for busy people who want to make their coffee in the morning but don’t have time to wait for it to brew completely or have enough space in their cabinets. It’s great for those who drink more than one cup of coffee during the day and want fresh, hot coffee whenever they need it!

The Mr. Coffee 5 Cup Programmable 25 oz. Mini is also dishwasher safe and made in the USA.


  • Holds over 25 ounces of water
  • Compact
  • Easy to use


  • Slow brewing
  • Reports of shut-off malfunction

Guide to Buying the Best 4 Cup Coffee Maker

Before we cover the essential buying factors below, there are three critical factors to consider when buying a coffee maker:

  1. Coffee quality: This is the most crucial factor. You don’t want your coffee to taste like burnt grounds or watery liquid.
  2. Type of brewing: If you’re looking for something that doesn’t require constant attention, then an automatic drip machine is perfect for your needs. It’s easier to maintain than other machines.
  3. Price: The price is the final factor. When looking for a machine, you don’t want to spend too much on it, or you will end up with a machine that doesn’t work well and is wasted money.

Once you know the coffee quality, brewing type, and price point, you’ll want to scrutinize each product based on the factors covered below.


The size of the coffee maker is one of the most important factors to consider when buying a coffee maker. If you are brewing small cups or just want a quick cup, purchasing a smaller coffee maker might be your best bet.

The number of cups you drink in a day and how often you drink them will determine the best size coffee maker for you.

The machine’s size is determined by the number of cups it can make and it’s capacity. Capacity refers to how many cups of water and coffee grounds can be stored in the machine’s carafe at any given time.

A 4-cup coffee maker with a 12-cup capacity would be able to make 12 cups in one brewing cycle, while a 6-cup machine with a 24-cup capacity would brew 24 cups in one brewing cycle.

The 4-cup coffee makers are the most popular type of coffee maker because they are smaller in size, making them easy to store and carry.

Material: Stainless Steel, Glass, or Plastic?

The materials used in coffee makers can be either stainless steel, glass, or plastic. The main difference between these materials is their durability and heat retention ability.

Stainless steel is the most durable of these materials and can withstand high temperatures. It is also not as likely to warp or change color over time.

Plastic coffee makers are cheaper than stainless steel ones, but they are less durable than their counterparts. They can retain heat very well but is more likely to warp or change color over time, making them a poor choice for coffee brewers due to their aesthetic qualities.

Glass coffee makers are more expensive than plastic ones, but they have excellent heat retention properties, durability, and aesthetic appeal.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Cleaning your coffee maker is vital for good-tasting coffee and preventing bacteria from growing in your machine. It’s essential to clean the outside of your machine and clean the water tank and filter basket.

It is important to note that with the help of an automatic cleaning process. Generally, a 4-cup coffee maker is easy to use and maintain.

Another crucial thing to consider when buying a coffee maker is maintenance. For example, if you have a 4-cup coffee maker and want to buy a machine that makes more cups, you might need to change the filter every day. Coffee makers tend to be reasonably maintenance-free but occasionally require some cleaning. 

Some models have filters that need to be cleaned often, and others require descaling every few months or so. However, the effort required for cleaning is minimal with most models when all parts are removable, and the digital display can indicate when cleaning is needed.

Programmable Functions

A programmable function is a feature of many appliances, including the best 4 cup coffee maker, that allows you to set your machine’s time and temperature settings, ensuring your machine gets the right amount of water and heat at the right time.

There are many benefits of having a programmable function on your appliance. The most obvious is that it helps prevent over-or under-extraction from occurring in your machine. It also helps prevent any damage from happening to your device because you can make sure it’s not too hot or cold for use at any given time.

The key features that you need to look for in the best 4 cup coffee maker are brew strength, auto-pause, switch-off, and programmable timers.


Timers are an important feature to have in any coffeemaker. They allow users to program when the machine will start brewing and stop brewing, so there aren’t any surprises when waking up in the morning or after work.

The best 4 cup coffee makers have programmable functions, which you can set to start brewing at any time of the day, allowing for a variety of brewing options and helping to save time.

Auto Pause and Switch Off

Many 4-cup coffee makers have an auto pause and auto switch-off feature, which can be useful for those who need to leave the kitchen before the coffee finishes brewing.

The most important one is an auto-pause. This function will automatically turn off the coffee maker when it is done brewing.

The auto pause feature allows you to set the time of your coffee maker so that it automatically pauses after making your cup of coffee and then resumes when the timer goes off, which allows you to return to your coffee in a few minutes and enjoy it fresh.


How much coffee do I use for 4 cups?

The amount of coffee you need for 4 cups is about eight tablespoons or 60 grams.

If you’re interested in producing a milder cup of coffee, you can lower the amount to 6.5 tablespoons, or 48 grams.

What is the best grind of coffee to use for a 4 cup coffee maker?

The best grind for a 4 cup coffee maker is medium-fine or medium. This grind size produces a good-tasting cup with less bitterness and more body than other grinds.

A fine grind will produce a more intense flavor, but it will also be less flavorful and have lower-quality oils. On the other hand, a coarse grind will result in an underwhelming flavor and lack of oils.

A medium grind is the perfect balance between these two extremes and provides enough oil for your coffee without overpowering it with too much flavor or bitterness.

Can I grind the coffee the night before?

The answer is yes. You can grind your beans for the next day’s coffee. You need to make sure that you store them in an airtight container and leave them in a cool, dark place.

What’s the ideal brewing temperature?

The best temperature depends on the drink’s desired flavor. For example, a cold brew coffee has a lower brewing temperature of around 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

The ideal coffee brewing temperature is between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit. This range will give you a medium-dark, rich, flavorful brew. Check out our article The Best Coffee Temperature for Brewing Great Coffee to learn more about the proper water temperature to help you achieve the best possible cup.


There are many different types of coffee makers out there. Some are made for a specific type of coffee, while some are for another particular need.

Some people prefer to have their coffee maker based on the type of coffee they want to make, like a drip or an espresso machine. Others might want a single-serve machine that makes lattes and cappuccinos quickly and easily.

The Bonavita 5 Cup Coffee Maker is a well-known coffee maker that anyone can appreciate. It was designed to be easy to use and has many features that stand out from the crowd.

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The Best Coffee Tips from the Best Baristas. Whether it's an Americano, drip coffee, or espresso, you will find the best tips to brew the perfect cup of coffee at home.