Nespresso Breville vs DeLonghi: What’s the Difference?

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The Nespresso Breville vs DeLonghi can further complicate the espresso machine purchase process. We’ve laid out the details of each to make it easy for you to find what best suits your coffee needs. We’ve got you covered if you’re trying to decide whether to buy a Nespresso Breville vs. DeLonghi machine. 

Who Makes Nespresso Machines?

Nespresso is responsible for creating the concepts and technology behind their machines, but they are not the ones who put them together. This responsibility falls to either Breville or DeLonghi, two manufacturing companies that bear the load of producing the machines that Nespresso creates. 

What Is the Difference Between Breville and DeLonghi Machines?

Whether Breville or DeLonghi made a Nespresso machine, they will have the same functionality. They produce the same quality of espresso shot and run on the same internal technology as designed by Nespresso. The differences lie in appearance, and Breville and DeLonghi control the aesthetic decisions for the machines they make. 

Nespresso has multiple machines that both Breville and DeLonghi produce. Each is capable of the same functions, some with slightly different features/ Below is a list of 12 Nespresso machines manufactured by both Breville and DeLonghi, with a short comparison of them.

Nespresso Vertuo Next Breville vs DeLonghi

The Nespresso Vertuo Next by Breville can produce either a single or double espresso shot and a five-ounce, eight-ounce, or 18-ounce cup of coffee. It uses disposable Nespresso brand capsules with auto-eject capabilities. One-touch brewing technology makes operation simple, and the removable water tank is an added convenient feature. The product is available in matte black, cherry red, and light gray.

The Nespresso Vertuo Next by De’Longhi can also produce either a single or double espresso and a five, eight, or 18-ounce cup. This machine also runs on capsules like the Breville model. Similarly, it features the Aeroccino3 milk frother and comes in white or dark gray. It uses barcode scanning technology to optimize the potential of each cup of coffee and has an energy-saving automatic shut-off feature.

Nespresso Vertuo Plus Breville vs DeLonghi

The Nespresso Vertuo Plus Breville machine makes a single or double espresso and either a five-ounce or 7.7-ounce cup. The unit also includes a 40-ounce water tank with adjustable positioning. Smart coffee technology and barcode scanning deliver the best possible cup of coffee for each brew. After nine minutes of inactivity, the Breville model also has an automatic shutoff feature and comes in multiple colors, including red, black, and gray.

The DeLonghi model of the Nespresso Vertuo also runs on an adjustable 40-ounce water tank and Nespresso Vertuo capsules. With nearly identical features to the Breville model in terms of smart technology, output size, and automatic shutoff, the DeLonghi model does have an additional feature that the Breville model does not, which is heat-up time of only 15 seconds. Otherwise, the functionality is quite similar.

Nespresso Vertuo Breville vs DeLonghi

The Nespresso Vertuo Breville model is ideal for espresso. It can produce a single shot or double shot and a five or 7.7-ounce cup of coffee. Using Nespresso’s Centrifusion technology and barcode scanning capabilities, it is guaranteed to maximize the potential of each cup. It comes with a 40-ounce water tank and adjustable drip tray. This machine is designed specifically for Nespresso Vertuo capsules.

The DeLonghi model can produce the same four sizes as the Breville model. It takes advantage of Nespresso’s Centrifusion technology and is known for producing high-quality crema. The DeLonghi model includes a larger 54-ounce water tank, which gives it a slight edge over the Breville model. This machine comes with automatic 9-minute shut-off and 15-second heat-up capabilities.

Nespresso CitiZ Breville vs DeLonghi

The Nespresso CitiZ by Breville is an automatic single-serving espresso machine. It brews a single espresso or a five-ounce espresso (Lungo). This machine uses a 19-bar extraction system that reduces energy consumption. Users can easily accommodate smaller or larger espresso cups with a foldable cup tray. The Breville model comes with a 34-ounce water tank and drip tray. An automatic shut-off feature powers down the machine at either nine or 30 minutes. 

The Nespresso CitiZ by De’Longhi is an automatic single-serving espresso machine featuring a 19-bar pressure system. This machine can brew either a single shot of espresso or Lungo. It heats up in only 25 seconds and has the automatic inactivity shut-off feature at nine or 30 minutes. The product is strictly an espresso machine, excellent for single-serve coffee needs. It comes with a 34-ounce water tank and removable drip tray.

Nespresso Essenza Mini Breville vs DeLonghi

The Nespresso Essenza Mini by Breville is the smallest single-serve espresso machine that Nespresso by Breville has to offer. It can brew a single shot or Lungo with a compact size making it easily portable without much room on your kitchen counter. The product heats in 25 seconds and uses Nespresso brand coffee capsules.

The Nespresso Essenza Mini by DeLonghi is the smallest espresso machine offered by Nespresso DeLonghi. This automatic one-touch machine can brew a single espresso or Lungo and requires only 30 seconds to heat up. Aesthetically, it is different from the Breville model with its slightly triangular shape and horizontal bar display. The Breville model is rectangular with pressure circles in black, white, or piano black.

Nespresso Creatista by Breville

The Nespresso Lattissima by Breville offers the models Creatista Uno model or the Creatista Plus.

Creatista Uno

The Creatista Uno is a pour-over espresso machine that can brew either a single espresso or Lungo. It has a built-in steam wand for milk frothing and runs on a 19-bar pressure system. This machine has one-touch brewing and heats in under 25 seconds. The Creatista Uno is great for lattes, cappuccinos, and macchiatos with milk-steaming capabilities. 

Creatista Plus

The Creatista Plus has everything the Creatista Uno offers and some additional significant features. For example, it can also brew a half-ounce Ristretto shot, allowing users to make flat whites. It comes with a built-in steam wand and milk pitcher, and there are customizable settings for coffee volume, milk temperature, and mixture. This model offers consumers a 2-year warranty.

Nespresso Lattissima by DeLonghi

The Nespresso Lattissima by DeLonghi offers the models Lattissima One, Lattissima Touch, and Lattissima Pro.

Lattissima One

The Lattissima One is a one-touch espresso machine with automatic milk frothing capabilities. This model includes a single-serve milk system that allows users to put in their own choice of milk for each drink. The machine then brews the coffee while steaming the milk and pours out a complete beverage. There are no additional steps to steam milk, as the machine creates a ready-to-drink latte, cappuccino, or macchiato at the press of a button.

Lattissima Touch

The Lattissima Touch has the same basic features as the Lattissima One and can brew espresso or lattes, macchiatos, and cappuccinos. The milk reservoir is larger, and the frothing technique improves from the Lattissima One. The milk container is removable for easy cleaning. The machine heads in under 40 seconds and includes six different one-touch recipe options.

Lattissima Pro

Building on the Lattissima Touch, the Lattissima Pro has a 16-ounce milk carafe integrated into the drink at adjustable levels. It has all the drink-making capabilities as the other models but is more user-friendly and easier to maintain. The detachable milk carafe does not come in contact with the machine itself and is dishwasher safe, making cleaning hassle-free. 

Gran Lattissima

The Gran Lattissima is like an expanded edition of the Lattissima Pro. It includes 9 drink recipes with one-touch button control. The milk container can also be removed and refrigerated between uses. 

Nespresso Breville vs. DeLonghi: The Winner

Both Breville and DeLonghi are good options for choosing a Nespresso machine. The lower-scale machines are very similar and only differ aesthetically, and both choices guarantee great coffee and are easy to use. With the higher-end machines, DeLonghi has more machine models with more advanced features that allow for a bigger selection of drinks. While both manufacturers are great options, the slight advantage goes to DeLonghi.


We have rounded up some frequently asked questions from consumers on the fence about which Nespresso machine is the best option.

Nespresso Breville vs DeLonghi. Which One Is Better?

There is no real difference between the quality or taste of coffee from either a Breville or DeLonghi machine. The distinctions lie in their appearance, which comes down to personal preference. Some models have slightly different features, but that depends on what the user is looking to get out of their machine.

Which Nespresso To Buy? Vertuo or Original?

This question depends on the user’s needs, but we would lean towards the Nespresso Vertuo because it can make both espresso drinks and coffee. It’s more versatile and offers more drink choices.

Which Nespresso Machine Makes a Latte?

Nespresso machines that can make a complete latte are the Nespresso Lattissima series by DeLonghi which includes the following models: Lattissima One, Lattissima Touch, Lattissima Pro, and Gran Lattissima. The Nespresso Creatista series from Breville, which includes the Creatista Uno and Creatista Plus can also make lattes.

How Often Should Nespresso Machines Be Descaled?

According to the Nespresso website, machines should be descaled every three months or after brewing 300 capsules. Failure to descale it accordingly may damage the device. 

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